Howdy, Seabirders,
Stop the presses! Astounding offshore reports from Peter Pyle and Abe Borker who have been surveying seabirds at the
Davidson Seamount have included counts of over
3000 COOK'S PETRELS! On 23 July, they reported hourly totals: "50, 65, 85, 500, 450, 1000, 450, 250, 50, 15, 15, 25, 60. The weather was very calm. Flocks of 100-300 sitting birds observed. Photos of up to 90 individuals." Other species recorded on this date included: Arctic Tern (29), Xantus' Murrelet (12 scrippsii and 1 hypoleuca), Leach's Storm-Petrel (1,745), a variety of shorebirds and 2 Cuvier's Beaked Whales. On 24 July, Peter reported
1,395 COOK'S PETRELS with "hourly counts of 40, 250, 350, 175, 100, 200, 20, 5, 100, 100. Fewer flocks of sitting birds, but more flying birds in broad fronts, heading generally NNE. Some flying high, 10-20 m above the water and flapping like gulls." They tallied 666 Leach's Storm-Petrels, 6 South Polar Skuas and 2 Xantus' Murrelets (scrippsii), to name a few of the species.
Cook's Petrels heading NNE— this means, if weather conditions are kind, we have a great shot at finding some of the thousands on the JULY 31 HALF MOON BAY trip! A few spaces are still open on this trip. If you would like to join us, please contact Debi Shearwater as soon as possible by email.
Below, I list Shearwater Journeys' upcoming pelagic trips and the leaders. Trips denoted * have a good chance of finding COOK'S PETRELS. Trips denoted ** have an excellent chance of finding HAWAIIAN PETREL.
*Jul 31: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Peter Pyle, Wes Fritz, Gerry McChesney, Matt Brady, Debi Shearwater
Aug 6: Monterey Bay with Brian Sullivan, Steve Howell, Robin Welch, Clay Kempf, Debi Shearwater
Aug 8: Farallon Island with Steve Howell, Alan Hopkins, Debi Shearwater- SOLD OUT
*Aug 11: Bodega Canyon & Cordell Bank with Peter Pyle, Wes Fritz, Steve Howell, Oscar Johnson, Matt Brady, Debi Shearwater
**Aug 13: Fort Bragg: Hawaiian Petrel Search with Abe Borker, Wes Fritz, Jennifer Green, Todd McGrath, Oscar Johnson, Matt Brady, Debi Shearwater
**Aug 15: Fort Bragg: Hawaiian Petrel Search with Todd McGrath, Peter Pyle, Wes Fritz, Scott Terrill, Linda Terrill, Tristan McKee, Matt Brady, Abe Borker, Debi Shearwater
Aug 27: Monterey Bay with Jennifer Green, Robin Welch, Wes Fritz, Ted Chandik, John Hiles
Sep 9: Monterey Seavalley with Wes Fritz, Ted Chandik, Marcel Holyoak, Debi Shearwater
Sep 10: Monterey Bay with Wes Fritz, Jennifer Green, Robin Welch, Adam Searcy, John Hiles, Debi Shearwater
*Sep 11: Albacore Grounds: Offshore Monterey with Wes Fritz, Scott Terrill, Linda Terrill, Tristan McKee, Rod Norden, Debi Shearwater
Sep 12: Monterey Bay with Wes Fritz, Jennifer Green, Clay Kempf, Adam Searcy, Vaughan Ashby (Guest Leader), Debi Shearwater
*Sep 13: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Wes Fritz, Tristan McKee, Alan Hopkins, Debi Shearwater
*Sep 15: Bodega Canyon & Cordell Bank with Peter Pyle, Steve Howell, Wes Fritz, Lisa Hug, Debi Shearwater
*Sep 17: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Wes Fritz, Marcel Holyoak, Jennifer Green, Debi Shearwater
*Sep 18: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Wes Fritz, Steve Rottenborn, Scott Terrill, Linda Terrill, Debi Shearwater
Sep 23: Monterey Bay with Wes Fritz, Terry Hunefeld, Jim Danzenbaker, Debi Shearwater
Sep 24: Monterey Storm-Petrel Study Tour with Wes Fritz, Jennifer Green, Terry Hunefeld, Jim Danzenbaker, Debi Shearwater
Sep 25: Monterey Seavalley with Wes Fritz, Abe Borker, Terry Hunefeld, Mark Rauzon (Guest Leader), Michael Parr (Guest Leader), Debi Shearwater
Sep 26: Monterey Bay with Wes Fritz, Terry Hunefeld, Jennifer Green, Debi Shearwater
Sep 27: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Wes Fritz, Terry Hunefeld, Debi Shearwater
Oct 2: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Todd McGrath, Wes Fritz, Lisa Hug, Peter Pyle, Debi Shearwater
Oct 3: Monterey Storm-Petrel Study Tour with Wes Fritz, Todd McGrath, Jennifer Green, Denise Wight, Clay Kempf, Debi Shearwater
Oct 9: Monterey Seavalley with Todd McGrath, Scott Terrill, Linda Terrill, Clay Kempf, Debi Shearwater
Oct 11: Half Moon Bay Offshore with Todd McGrath, Wes Fritz, Peter Pyle, Debi Shearwater
Oct 17: Monterey Bay with Jennifer Green, Wes Fritz, Todd McGrath, Denise Wight, Clay Kempf, Rod Norden
We have a full slate of exciting pelagic trips ahead! Who knows which trips will turn up the rare seabirds? I hope that you can join us!
Shearwaters forever,
Debi Shearwater