Howdy, Birders,
Birding in San Benito County on February 5th, my first stop was on Santa Ana Valley to search for the continuing EASTERN PHOEBE. Sophie Webb was already there, shooting photographs of the birds. Below, are her copyrighted images. County Birders, Jim Lomax and John Luther arrived within minutes and ticked the phoebe.
This FERRUGINOUS HAWK is the same individual in my previous post. Remember how I mentioned that they can very habitual in their daily routine? Well, it is still near the intersection of Santa Ana Valley and Quien Sabe Roads, on the telephone pole.
The Eastern Phoebe was staying high in the trees, making photography extremely difficult!
Heading out to Panoche Valley, we spotted many White-crowned Sparrows along the J1, or Panoche Road.
A stop along the way, produced a California Thrasher. Even though it is only early February, they are singing away, establishing their breeding territories.
This Red-tailed Hawk is having landing difficulties.
A beautiful soaring Red-tail. They are also on territory, as well as actively nest building.
The roadsides of the valley floor in Panoche host thousands of Savannah Sparrows.
The beautiful Panoche Valley is slated to become covered with solar panels. Our field trip on this day, lead by the very capable Clay Kempf, was centered around fundraising for the legal defense fund. Donations can be made to Santa Clara Valley Audubon. Mark your check, Save Panoche Valley, 100% of your donation will go to the fund.
We ended our birding day at Mercy Hot Springs where both Long-eared and Barn Owls were a highlight of a great day of birding.
P.S. Today, February 8th, the Eastern Phoebe was still present at mile marker 3.02, along with at least two Cassin's Kingbirds on a nearby fence.
Happy Trails,
Debi Shearwater