Monterey seabirds dazzled birders from around the world during a spectacular Shearwater Journeys'pelagic trip on August 25, 2017. The highlight was a HAWAIIAN PETREL (Pterodroma sandwichensis) which sauntered, back and forth in our wake about 1:30 p.m.
The HAWAIIAN PETREL, or 'ua'u,' is a Federally Endangered Species which nests on Hawai'i Island within Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on lower alpine and subalpine slopes of Mauna Loa. The largest known colony is located at Maui Island at Haleakala National Park with 450 - 650 breeding pairs. Pairs mate for life.
'Ua'u chicks were harvested as a delicacy for Hawaiian royalty. Today, the species faces many threats including: pigs, goats, mongoose, feral cats, rats, and dogs. Young 'Ua'u become attracted to lights and "grounded" around the lights. Once grounded, they cannot fly. They also suffer collisions with buildings, antenna towers, electric and telephone lines.Hawaiian Petrels are about 16 inches long, head to tail. Head, wings and tail are black. Back is slightly darker. Forehead and underparts are white. Feet are webbed, black at the toes and pinkish toward the heel. Calls can be heard at night. Sounds like: oo- A- oo, and makes yapping sounds like a small dog. Formerly called, Dark-rumped Petrel.
Numerous conservation efforts to save this species and other seabirds in the Hawaiian islands have been mounted by Island Conservation and the American Bird Conservancy and the Center for Biological Diversity.
You are invited to join us on our upcoming pelagic trips!
Who knows? You might even see a Hawaiian Petrel!
SEP 1 with Mary Gustafson, Nick Levendosky, Clay Kempf, Debi Shearwater
SEP 7 with Alex Rinkert, Jim Holmes, Mary Gustafson, Nick Levendosky, Debi Shearwater
SEP 8 with Jim Holmes, Mary Gustafson, Brad Keitt, Debi Shearwater
SEP 9 ALBACORE OFFSHORE with Alex Rinkert, Scott & Linda Terrill, Mary Gustafson, Nick Levendosky, Todd McGrath, Debi Shearwater: SOLD OUT
SEP 10 with Mary Gustafson, Todd McGrath, Debi Shearwater
SEP 14 with Debi Shearwater
SEP 22 with Hannah Nevins, Christian Schwarz. Clay Kempf, Debi Shearwater
SEP 24 with Nick Levendosky, Jim Holmes, Debi Shearwater
SEP 30 with Alex Rinkert, Scott & Linda Terrill, Nick Levendosky, Clay Kempf
OCT 8 with Scott & Linda Terrill, Nick Levendosky, Alex Rinkert, Clay Kempf
SEP 2 with Mary Gustafson, Debi Shearwater
SEP 3 with Peter Pyle, Mary Gustafson, Steve Tucker, Debi Shearwater
SEP 15 with Christian Schwarz, Dave Pereksta, Debi Shearwater
SEP 16 with Steve Hampton, Debi Shearwater
OCT 7 with Alex Rinkert, Steve Hampton, Nick Levendosky
Spaces are available on all of the above trips, except for the Albacore trip. A limited number of spaces are available on the September 7 & 8 trips. Book now!
Many thanks to Alex Rinkert, ace leader with Shearwater Journeys for spotting, identifying and calling out the Hawaiian Petrel!
Many thanks to Beth Hamel for the Hawaiian Petrel images, copyrighted. Please do not use images without permission.
To see more of Beth's images, click here.
Living the Salt Life & SeaBirding for Science
Debi Shearwater
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